The Impact of Masking on Autistic Girls – And How Parents Can Help

Masking is a survival strategy that many autistic girls adopt to navigate social situations. Unlike their male counterparts, autistic girls—especially those without intellectual developmental delays—often become highly skilled at observing, mimicking, and adapting to social expectations. While this can help them blend in, it comes at a significant cost to their well-being. Masking requires a…

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The Importance of Playground Time for Kids’ Social Skills Development

Playground time isn’t just about fun and games—it’s a crucial learning opportunity for children to develop essential social skills. In the less-regulated environment of the playground, kids practice listening, understanding social cues, negotiating, and even apologising to their peers. This real-world interaction helps them navigate social complexities and build vital interpersonal skills that will serve…

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How Much Sleep Do Kids Need Each Night?

Sleep is essential for children’s growth, development, and overall well-being. The amount of sleep a child needs each day varies depending on their age. Ensuring your child gets the right amount of sleep is crucial for their physical health, cognitive development, and emotional stability. Here’s a quick reference guide to how much sleep children need…

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Embracing Self-Talk in Children with Autism

Self-talk is a common behaviour among children with autism, where they engage in conversations with themselves, often aloud. While it might seem unusual to some, there’s nothing inherently wrong with this practice. In fact, self-talk can be incredibly beneficial, helping individuals relieve stress and anxiety, organise their thoughts and emotions, and contribute to their overall…

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Understanding Why Siblings Fight

Sibling rivalry is a common aspect of family dynamics and a source of concern for many parents. The sight of children who should be each other’s closest allies engaging in constant conflict can be perplexing and stressful. However, understanding the reasons behind these disputes can help in managing and mitigating them. Competition for Attention One…

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